Things is a -badly- flawed app. Some samples:
Would you like to plan what youre going to do tomorrow? Sorry, Things doesnt let you look at tomorrow.
Want to edit a task name? You cant. You have to go into an edit mode, then back out again to see how it looks.
Things has dozens of such modes, each one characterized by what it WONT let you do.
So, now its morning. Do you want to (at long last) plan todays tasks?
Sorry, you have to navigate through a crippled list in some sort of "move mode," in which you cant access, edit or sort your tasks until youve individually tapped a radio button in front of each overdue item. Only then will it let you look at all of todays tasks.
While you were re-ordering todays tasks, your finger accidentally touched the "Done" checkbox on a task. Poof, its gone. There is no undo.
Finally you find your checked-off task, in the logbook. Would you like to un-check Done so the task is back in Today?
Oops, you -cant-. You have to create a new task. No, not there in the logbook, where you have the original task to refer to. Nope, you have to go all the way back to Today.
Why am I still using Things? There is no effective export. If I got a new app, I would have to re-create in a couple hundred tasks by hand.
You getting this? Avoid Things. Or else.